What would Biden’s and Trump’s policies mean for unemployment?

The Millennial Source
6 min readOct 21, 2020

This appeared in The Millennial Source

With a new stimulus unlikely until after November’s presidential election, addressing US unemployment could be left to whoever occupies the White House in January.

Despite dropping from its astronomical heights reached in April 2020 as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, unemployment in the United States remains high, with millions of Americans out of work.

The latest figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that some 7.9% of Americans remain unemployed as of September 2020, down from 14.7% in April.

Though joblessness has fallen, the economic recovery hailed by President Donald Trump as “leading the world” may be beginning to lag. Unemployment claims have begun to rise once more and the addition of new jobs to account for those millions lost as a result of the pandemic has also begun to slow down.

In the midst of all this, talks on additional economic stimulus are no closer to completion, with President Donald Trump himself taking a number of contradictory stances, at times signaling an end to negotiations only to then call for more stimulus than is being requested by Democrats.

With no further stimulus agreed by America’s politicians, it is likely that the…

