What do conservative Christians think about the Biden campaign’s focus on character and morality?

The Millennial Source
4 min readAug 25, 2020

This appeared in The Millennial Source

According to a Pew Research poll released in July, President Donald Trump’s approval rating with white Evangelical Christians remains high, with 59% of them approving of Trump’s handling of the job and about 8 in 10 claiming they would vote to reelect him in November.

But not all demographic groups that identify as Christian support the president in such large numbers. Black protestants, for instance, overwhelmingly disapprove of President Donald Trump, with only 7% approving of him.

Surveying the level of support for the president from groups that identify as Christian, regardless of race, reveals that 57% of Catholics disapproved of Trump in late June. Overall, 49% of Christians throughout the country disapproved of the president, with only 37% reporting that they approved of him.

However, the same poll noted that a majority of Christians still planned to vote for Trump over Joe Biden, his Democratic challenger, with 55% reporting that they would vote for Trump and 43% saying they would vote for Biden.

Demonstrating Christians’ general support for Trump despite the nuances reflected in sect and ethnic background, the overall number of…

